Friday, January 23, 2009

John Cage - Water Walk and 4:33

What'd you think. Interesting...extreme..Valid? Think about this. Is any sound music?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Anathallo - All The First Pages

Here is a great example of mixing acoustic instruments with some polyphonic synth stuff. Electronic meets acoustic, plus rock, and it is very orchestrated as well. The sections are defined and the dynamics really help to show the contrast between the sections. After today's rehearsal it became obvious to me that we also need to observe dynamics (louds and softs) and need to lay out these sections and understand their functions within each piece of music. This will help us to successfully create the "Big Picture" in every piece.

Anathallo - Kasa No Home

The things to note in this video are the vast number of instruments that they use. This has a lot of percussion instruments, suspended cymbals, glock (bells) various drums, along with all of the vocal parts. Obviously, we need to expand our pallet of instruments and sounds that we use in order to simply accommodate all of the people that we have in the group. But consider the possibilities!

P.S. Yes, that is Japanese.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Imogen Heap

Here are two video's by Electronic Guru, Imogen Heap. She's pretty incredible! The first piece is called "Hide and Seek," and she uses a vocorder which lets her play piano voicings (chords) and connect a mic into the same contraption so that it puts her voice to those chords. (This Will change your life) Official Video is HERE!

The second video illustrates the possibilities for using electronic options. Maybe this will give people some ideas. She messes with looping and samples. Dig!

Flobots and Preaching

Here are two links to check out. These are two of my very good friends and they do an occasional podcast called "Graves End." Below the picture is link to a podcast on the Flobots song "Handlebars." In this they goof around but end up discussing some interesting things about sin. This post is more to just put things into perspective a bit. God created everything, including the ability to create, even in non-Christians.

Graves End Podcast

The second link is a link to the official video. You may like some aspects and you may not like some aspects. I found symbolism of the dove very interesting coming from a secular viewpoint. It is funny how non-Christians sometimes tend to understand how sinful man really is better than Christians.

Flobots - "Handlebars" Video

Two Arcade Fire Videos

Win Butler, the Lead Singer (the one that is not David Bowie, Yes that is David Bowie) has a Masters in Theology. Interesting Stuff! Does anyone know a redheaded guy with a tambourine that wants to play? Just kidding.

This is my favorite video they have done. One mic, one elevator, etc.

Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra

This is the Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra. They are considered by many to be one of the greater jazz orchestra's playing in New York currently. You'll notice how lush and melodic the music is. Also a huge influence of Brazilian music can be heard. Check out the accordion.

These lush sounds, can be incorporated in to worship music to create a transcendent sound that could potentially blur the notion of "typical" worship music.

Note: Saxophone soloist, is my favorite saxophonist. He constantly plays melodies and follows them wherever they take him. Half the time he shoots for the "wrong" notes and disregards chord changes. How is that possible?

Kurt Rosenwinkel

This guy is just crazy incredible. I just thought I post this for all of you to check out.